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Op deze avond smijten wij weer BLEEEGHS en zware gitaarriffs tegen je gezicht. Word omver geblazen door de hardste bands uit de buurt en kom ff een moshpit meepakken als je er dan toch bent. En dat voor maar 6 euro? Kom kijken naar de HEKSEN & SEROTONIA en ga helemaal los!

Zaterdag 8 maart. aanvang 20:00
Online €6,-
Deur €8,-

HESKEN is a Dutch metal band from Zwolle. They create their own raw progressive style with influences such as Opeth, Tool, Death and Gojira. Since January 2023, they have been playing very well-received shows
throughout the Netherlands and are building their own loyal community of metal fanatics. Their first single Conspiracy was released in November 2023. This single can also be heard on HESKEN's debut album, which was released in April 2024 in an awesome attended show.


Op deze avond smijten wij weer BLEEEGHS en zware gitaarriffs tegen je gezicht. Word omver geblazen door de hardste bands uit de buurt en kom ff een moshpit meepakken als je er dan toch bent. En dat voor maar 6 euro? Kom kijken naar de HEKSEN & SEROTONIA en ga helemaal los!

Zaterdag 8 maart. aanvang 20:00
Online €6,-
Deur €8,-

HESKEN is a Dutch metal band from Zwolle. They create their own raw progressive style with influences such as Opeth, Tool, Death and Gojira. Since January 2023, they have been playing very well-received shows
throughout the Netherlands and are building their own loyal community of metal fanatics. Their first single Conspiracy was released in November 2023. This single can also be heard on HESKEN's debut album, which was released in April 2024 in an awesome attended show.
This debut album has been very well received in the Dutch metal scene and has received great reviews from, among others,, De Loodzware Jongens podcast by Kink Distortion and Follow the socials and website and come to one of the fantastic live shows quickly, and they will definitely see you in the pit!
Welcome to the HESKEN family!

We are Serotonia, a Melodic Metalcore band from The Netherlands. Founded
in 2018 it is our goal to create vibrant music that is available and reachable to
all kinds of audiences. We take great pride to have influences from bands like
As I Lay Dying, Periphery and In Flames. Our records are melodic, include
screams, growls and clean vocals, heavy drum work and technical guitar play
styles. We consist of five members with all different characters and
personalities. We combine these differences in our writing and playing
process. Though we label ourselves as Melodic Metalcore, we try to stay
creative and experiment with new ideas. Not every song will fit the description
perfectly... But what does in life? Let me show you where it all began…


  • € 6,00
